Thursday, April 3, 2008

Twelve Reasons Why I Loved Her - an introduction

So the purpose of this blog was to get me to publish here one piece of prose a week. Actual honest to god prose, although more to keep me fresh and writing than to actually produce good prose. So i came up with a cool idea for a project, wrote about a third of a page, and then forgot about it for about two months. This is me reaffirming this blog. Once a week. Prose!

The original project that i came up with is based loosely off of the graphic novel 12 Reasons Why I Love Her. It was advertised as twelve short stories set in non-chronological order that explore a relationship through its course. With the title of twelve reasons, i was given the impression that each one would be a specific and independent story with its own theme and idea. To my distress, it turned out that it was just the story of a relationship chopped into twelve parts and thrown out of order. Which was interesting, and actually pretty good, but it wasn't what i was expecting, and it wasn't what i wanted. So i thought i'd do it better. Twelve Reasons Why I Loved Her is going to be (ideally) twelve standalone short stories, each one exploring a different aspects, from before through after, of a relationship that i was once in (names will be changed to protect privacy and also because, to be honest, i don't really want her to find it and get all freaked out about it when it's really more of a writing exercise than anything else). So, hopefully coming soon to a blog near you,

Twelve Reasons Why I Loved Her

: God i love this layout! Look at the thread title! It's a tiny little lighthouse!

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