Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Fairy Tale [(2) 10/08/08]

The important thing to remember about fairies is that they aren't evil creatures. They aren't good, either. Some say they're like the wind, blowing both ways, but that statement is misleading, for the wind has currents and directions, rhyme and reason behind it, however hidden. A fairy has none of these things. Others cite their small size as the reason behind their capricious nature, insisting that their frames are too tiny to contain more than one emotion at a time, and this indeed strikes closer to the mark but does not tell the whole story complete. For the truth is that, although fairies are long lived creatures, their minds and memories are not. They exist entirely in the now, and so from moment to moment a fairy's course is never plotted, but spins and twists and rounds as it will. They're more forces of nature than sentient creatures, responding to stimulus and responding as they see fit, which may be one way in the sunshine and another on a full stomach, or different every time for no particular reason at all. And so alone among the races you can be sure that a fairy will never keep a grudge. Or a promise. Only the foolish or the mad keep a fairy's counsel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.